2011년 10월 18일 화요일

FIFA Manager 12 Money Cheat

This is how to cheat game money, FIFA Manager 12 by memory editing.

If you don't hava any experience using memory editor, read my another post.

1. Install "TSearch" program.
2. Run "FIFA MANAGER 12"
3. Go to the menu, Personal Life -> Stock Market.
4. Buy some stocks, which is the most expensive.
5. Run TSearch program, and find the value you bought.
6. Return to the game, buy or sell some stocks.
7. Research the modified value.
8. Repeat 5~7 step, until you can see only 3 results.
9. When you can see only 3 results, modify the bottom value to 999999999
10. Return to the game, check the stock amount has been changed.
11. Sell most of your stock. Do not sell all of the stocks.
12. Go to TSearch, check the remains are same as game's. If it is not, back to 6 step.
13. Modify and sell stocks again until you think you are rich enough.
14. You can donate the money to the club, and do anything what you want.

FIFA Manager 12 is Electronic Arts's(EA) new game.

Below link describes more easier way. If you are in trouble with memory editing, follow this link
